Thursday, December 30, 2010

37 weeks.....

Week commencing 24th December 2010

You are now 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant,or if you prefer you are in the 37th week of your pregnancy.

Your baby....
Days 253 to 259

Congratulations! By the end of this week your pregnancy will be full term. Make sure your labour bag is packed with everything you and your newborn needs. Your baby may have snuggled down and become engaged in your pelvis by now - especially if it's your first baby. Second and subsequent babies tend to engage later as the pelvic bones are slightly different. Your baby's still growing fast - these last four weeks could mean an extra kilo in weight (or two pounds)

Now you're getting closer to your due date, make sure you're prepared (and can get hold of your partner when the time comes!). Have your labour bag packed; fuel in the car and know your route to the hospital. And relax... research shows your baby can be affected by stress hormones.

Make time to put your feet up. If you're still at work, avoid travelling in the rush hour if you can. Use your lunch break to rest.

Left it a bit late for antenatal classes? Do some last minute cramming at one of the NCT's 'labour weekends'. These aren't offered in all areas.

Daddy-to-be: your partner may be feeling a bit shell shocked. It's normal to feel anxious about the imminent birth - an emotion you're both likely to share. Talk about it. Help your partner by reassuring him that everything will fall into place - after all - millions of parents-to-be go through this every day and go home with healthy babies.

ehsan dr BBC Health:pregnancy calender

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